We are an energetic and synergistic team of scholars with strong curiosity and passion for micro/nanophotonic technology. We come from very different backgrounds in physics, optics, photonics, electrical engineering, and others. But we share a common interest in using our creativity and combining our expertise to explore new physics and to develop new applications via engineered micro/nanoscopic photonic structures.
Our research focuses primarily on understanding the fundamental physics of novel nonlinear optical, quantum optical, and optomechanical phenomena in micro-/nanoscopic photonic structures, and on finding their potential applications towards chip-scale photonic signal processing, sensing, and wavefront engineering, in both classical and quantum regimes.
Here, you will find a fun playground for both experimentalists and theoreticians to explore new phenomena, physics, and applications, where your imagination may thrive and where your knowledge, experience, and intuition will have important impacts. Here, you will have great opportunities in exploring the forefront of scientific research and in conquering scientific and engineering challenges, in a friendly and constructive environment, working together with people from diverse backgrounds.
Advance of quantum optical science in the past few decades has now come to the engineering era of real practical application, which has been witnessed in recent years in the areas of secure communication, metrology, sensing, and potentially future advanced computing.
Nonlinear optical processes have attracted long-lasting interest ever since the first observation of second-harmonic generation, which have found very broad application ranging from photonic signal processing, tunable coherent radiation, frequency metrology, optical microscopy, to quantum information processing.
Functionalities of nanophotonic devices/circuits rely crucially on the properties of underlying device materials. We explore new material platforms with outstanding characteristics (electrical, optical, mechanical, thermal, etc.) for diverse applications, with current specific focus on lithium niobate and silicon carbide.
Integrated photonic platforms are ideal for sensing application. On one hand, a variety of physical mechanisms can be flexibly implemented and integrated for diverse and multi-modal sensing applications.
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